目前分類:銘牌 (3)

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新聞報報導,對於特斯拉Model 3被暫緩放行一事,海關總署官方微信「海關發布」6日發布公告稱,近期海關在進口汽車檢驗過程中,發現進口特斯拉Model 3純電動車存在警告標識無中文標註,整車銘牌缺失,銘版印刷標註錯誤等問題,不符合國家強制性標準GB7258-2017「機動車運行安全技術條件」的要求,存在安全隱患,影響消費者合法權益。

據報導,海關總署表示,經約談,特斯拉公司反映出現上述問題的主要原因是,車輛生產時標籤打印子系統邏輯設置錯誤,生產物料表配置錯誤,生產線人工操作失誤等,近期陸續到港的4678輛Model 3純電動車均可能存在上述問題。海關總署第一時間向全國海關發布警示通報,要求暫停放行進口Model 3純電動車,並委託技術機構開展風險評估。


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For the different shapes of tea leaves and tea stems, in combination with the spectral feature of image, the tea color sorter machine determines the shape and color algorithm to identify accurately defects in the materials. Different tea varieties are all available from original material, tea color sorting to final rejection to the end good product. This machine features to use the micro aberration distinguishing technology to effectively solve the sorting of tea with stems.

Otherwise, the tea color sorter machine adopts double layer and double sided with 360 degree view of identification to substantially increase the sorting performance. We use both the double-layer sorting system to complete sorting of materials and dedicated feed system ensuring uniformity of materials at one time to reduce damage to tea leaves.

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  11月28日,國內知名瀏覽器廠商QQ 瀏覽器發布了7.5版本,通過安全銘牌、安全中心、瀏覽器醫生三大專業手段全面保護用戶上網安全。其中,安全銘牌就是QQ瀏覽器針對網購用戶推出的“1秒識別真假網站”的利器。


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